St. Luke AME Waco

HOLLA! women's ministry

Join us as we inspire, empower and build relationships that create a space for women to HOLLA!


What Did You Say?… Inspiration, Empowerment , Authentic Connections and a Whole Lot of Fun!

HOLLA is a space for women who balance the demands of life and make it look easy. The truth is, it’s not easy while we slay on the outside there are unique challenges that require us to show up and power up. The joys of managing careers, families, relationships, and unrealistic expectations at times can be a bit overwhelming. That is why you need a space to HOLLA! Not a cry of defeat, but a war cry of victory…Wakanda Forever! 

Let's Chat

LET’S CHAT about our Mind, Bodies, and Soul… Here is where we can take a deeper look into the healthier YOU…a spiritual wellness experience that will educate on how to take care of your well being to gain a stronger and manageable lifestyle.


We are called to strengthen our faith and sent continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness to the world. 


A renowned mission ministry of women and men of faith rendering extraordinary mission works to Transform Lives, Build Communities and Impact the World…in local and global AME Church communities.

Clifford Wade Missionary Society

The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) is an international faith-based, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), granted Special Consultative Category II Status in 1985 in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The WMS is composed of members located across four continents in thirty-two countries. We are in the forefront of works of mission, at the head of the Church, operating from the highest level within each of twenty Episcopal Districts and reporting to every meeting of the General and Annual Conferences.

As the Women’s representational entity of the AMEC nationally and worldwide, the WMS has a record of 131 years of service committed to winning souls to Christ, health, economic, peace and justice issues. The WMS hosts an annual conference at the United Nations every October at which members of the various agencies and components of the United Nations offer workshops and seminars on current global issues. The WMS has established a Foundation to support education through scholarships and social and economic development for the diversified constituencies we are privileged to serve.