


connect with st. Luke

Our website is a great introduction to who we are as a church. It is also a way for our community to access ministry opportunities and resources provided by St. luke.

But there is more to St. Luke than our web presence.  If you would like to schedule a call with one of our leaders we would love to speak with you.  We have also designed a special class that is open to all to provide a deep dive into the WHY of St. Luke.

We're Here To serve

What Are You Looking For?

The local church plays a vital role in the gathering of the family of God.  St. Luke is a fellowship of Christians who will love, care, and support you…  

You are unique. God created you with the capacity to contribute to this world in a particular exceptional way. St. Luke is ready to cultivate your greatness. 

The beauty of St. Luke is that we remain open to the creative power of God.  Your presence is exciting to us because you add to the possibilities of what God can do at St. Luke.

hear an encouraging word from pastor marlon

01 minute message

get the st. Luke AME waco app

Use the Apple or android button below and follow the 3 steps

Download ministry one app
Step 1
Enter St. Luke's zip code 76704
Step 2
Select St. Luke AME Waco
Step 3

we will go!